Creation of a design and landscape integrated with the surrounding environment.

Meichang Education Centre

  • 2001
  • Public Facilities
  • 784sqm
  • Nabari, Mie Prefecture
ニュータウンの風景に合わせて洋風瓦を用いた外観としたアプローチを望む建物を分節することで周囲の住宅と違和感のないスケールとした思索棟 建物のシンボルであると同時に周囲の豊かな風景を望むことができる建物内部より中庭を望むMeichang Education Centre Creation of a design and landscape integrated with the surrounding environment.Meichang Education Centre Creation of a design and landscape integrated with the surrounding environment.Meichang Education Centre Creation of a design and landscape integrated with the surrounding environment.Meichang Education Centre Creation of a design and landscape integrated with the surrounding environment.夕景
Creation of a design and landscape integrated with the surrounding environment.

A new construction project for an educational centre in Nabari City.
The site is located at the southern end of a new town, with natural forest to the south, so we considered a plan that would make use of this rich natural environment. The Suzurandai Civic Centre (completed in 1999), which we designed, is located next door, so we were conscious of creating an integrated design and landscape. Like the civic centre, the roof is made of Western tiles and the exterior walls are made of tiles. The planning also included an enclosed courtyard, but this time instead of enclosing it completely, a gap was created on the south side to allow a view of the natural forest. The building is also divided into four sections to be aware of the scale of the surrounding residential area and to express the difference from the civic centre by having a single-sloping roof on each section.
An octagonal wing with a view was also built in one corner of the square. The building was named the 'Contemplation Building' in the hope that it would become a place of contemplation for those who are troubled by education on a daily basis.

Meichang Education Centre

Nabari, Mie Prefecture
Morimoto Architects Associates
Steel construction, 2 storeys
21st Mie Prefecture Architecture Award "Governor's Prize