Spacious space under a large roof

Komohara Nursery School

  • 1993
  • Public Facilities
  • 250sqm
  • Nabari, Mie Prefecture
高台に建つ保育所 中央のカリヨンがシンボルとなる鳥が翼を広げたくょうな屋根形状外廊下 柱は色を変えることで園児の多様性を表現している保育室から田園風景を望む田んぼに映る保育所
Spacious space under a large roof

The nursery school is planned to be built on a hill in a peaceful rural landscape.
Inspired by the lyrics of singer Mayumi Gowa's song 'Habatake Oozora e (Fly to the sky)', the design was based on the hope that the children would spread their wings from here. The building is a generous building with a large roof that looks like wings spreading out, and a terrace like a space under the eaves in the countryside extends over the school garden, forming an intermediate area. At the top is a 'carillon tower' as a symbol of the surroundings, which was imagined to be a landmark for people returning from urban areas.

Komohara Nursery School

Nabari, Mie Prefecture
Morimoto Architects Associates
Reinforced concrete, 1 storey