House with kawara tiled floor passageway

Nabari Private House Renovation

  • 2022
  • House & Apartment + Renovation
  • 280sqm (extent of renovation)
  • Nabari, Mie Prefecture
名張の田園風景の中に建つ民家Private houses in the countryside in Nabari.建物を貫通して南北の玄関を繋げる“通り土間”"Passageway kawara tiled floor" run through the building to connect the north and south entrances.“通り土間”の吹き抜けとトップライトatrium and top lights in "Passageway kawara tiled floor"“通り土間”と中庭と繋ぐように連続する一室の生活空間A continuous living space that connects the courtyard with the "Passageway"リビングから奥の和室とキッチンを見る。構造は既存のままで、可能な限り明るく現代的な生活空間を作っているView from the living room into the Japanese-style room and kitchin.内と外の関係を作る日本伝統建築の中間領域は魅力的である存の空間の魅力は出来るだけ生かした。The in-between areas of traditional Japanese architecture that create a relationship between inside and outside are fascinating. The charm of the existing space was utilised as much as possible.リビングから中庭を見るView of the courtyard from the living room.リビング脇にある階段室にトップライトの光が降り注ぐView of the stairwell with top light by the living room.中庭の夜景。既存の樹木を残し、広くウッドデッキを敷いた。中庭は新旧の建物が出会う場所でもある。Night view of the courtyard. Existing trees were left in place and a large wooden deck was laid. The courtyard is also where the old and new spaces meet.中庭を上空から見る。View from above the courtyard.刷新した建物のファサード。2階には花火を見るため小さなバルコニーを設けている。Facade of the renovated building, with a small terrace on the second floor for viewing fireworks. 伝統素材である四半敷の瓦、瓦木端積み、名栗の縁側。Traditional materials; diagonal kawara tiles, piling kawara tiles on a roof tile, maguri veranda
House with kawara tiled floor passageway

Renovation of a 60-year-old private house in the countryside of Nabari.
The client wanted to completely renovate the house to make it more comfortable to live in, so the existing floor plan was significantly changed and a "passage earthen floor" was created to connect the two entrances, one at the front of the house and the other at the back leading to the work area. As this "passageway kawara tiled floor", which is an external finish in Japan, is a space that people often visit in their daily lives, it was conceived as an intermediate area between the inside and outside, between life and work, and between the house and the local area. It is a place where people can walk with their feet with shoes, invite people in, go to work, and face their families, and although it is inside the building, it is an open space with an outward face. To this end, the floor is finished with kawara tile shingles, the veranda is made of naguri boards, the ceiling is as high as possible and a vaulted ceiling is provided, creating an open space that is flooded with light from above, including top lights.

This traditional Japanese-style room in the centre of the house was deep and dark, so all partitions were removed, leaving the structure intact, and the living and dining rooms were made into a single living space that is continuous from the "passageway" to the courtyard. As a contrast to the space of the "passageway" extending upwards, light and scenery are brought in through the side windows overlooking the courtyard, creating a private living space. However, this alone would have made it dark during the day, so the upper part of the side staircase room is made of glass tiles to let in light, transforming it into a bright, contemporary living space despite being a traditional Japanese house.

The client and I shared the desire to create the house by hand with a group of local craftsmen, so we designed the building to make full use of handmade techniques such as tiled floors, plastered walls, wooden fittings, boarded ceilings and wooden lattices.

Nabari Private House Renovation

Nabari, Mie Prefecture
280sqm (extent of renovation)
Wooden, 2 storeys
Tololo Studio
Interior Industry Association Chairman's Award