Nursing homes as landscapes or villages

Nabari Nursing Home Misatoen Renovation

  • 2022
  • Welfare & Medical Facilities + Renovation
  • 1,720sqm
  • Nabari, Mie Prefecture
全景 外観は最小限の変更にとどめたNabari Nursing Home Misatoen Renovation Nursing homes as landscapes or villages中庭はバリアフリー化を図り、ウッドデッキ敷としたNabari Nursing Home Misatoen Renovation Nursing homes as landscapes or villages中庭夕景1中庭夕景2ラウンジ 天井・壁の格子によって緩やかなゾーンを形成した照明の大きさをかえることで空間に変化をもたらす廊下越しにラウンジを望むNabari Nursing Home Misatoen Renovation Nursing homes as landscapes or villagesNabari Nursing Home Misatoen Renovation Nursing homes as landscapes or villagesNabari Nursing Home Misatoen Renovation Nursing homes as landscapes or villages中庭に面した2階ラウンジはコーナー部を利用してカフェのようなイメージとしたペンダント照明や家具もカフェの雰囲気になるように選定したNabari Nursing Home Misatoen Renovation Nursing homes as landscapes or villages天井の色をゾーンごとに変えることで視認性を高める緑のゾーンオレンジのゾーン居室内Nabari Nursing Home Misatoen Renovation Nursing homes as landscapes or villages浴室
Nursing homes as landscapes or villages

This is a relocation and renovation project of a nursing home for the elderly, where four-bedroom/one-room standard nursing home was converted into a nursing home with 50 private rooms. The refurbishment was carried out in a well-structured manner while retaining as much as possible of the existing building that could be used.
The first-floor lounge has a 450 x 450 latticework area and tatami chairs, creating a place where users can easily spend time. The entrance hall creates an expression as a sign of the building, while the second floor common area has a counter table and chairs facing the courtyard to provide a place for adults. The space was co-ordinated through the conscious selection of lighting and furniture in this way.
As the plan is square and has a middle corridor, we differentiated the rooms by making the ceilings at the entrance to the rooms descending, changing the colour and naming the street so that people know where they are.

Nabari Nursing Home Misatoen Renovation

Nabari, Mie Prefecture
Morimoto Architects Associates
Nursing home for the elderly
Reinforced concrete + steel construction, 2 floors