Large glass openings to bring in the greenery at the back of the house and the tea room.

Sakura Sogo Law Office

  • 2008
  • Office & Factory
  • 510sqm
  • Tsu City, Mie Prefecture
アプローチおおらかな玄関ホールとして来客者に落ち着きを与えられるようにした階段ホール2階ホールからはサッシ越しに池を望める大会議室Sakura Sogo Law Office Large glass openings to bring in the greenery at the back of the house and the tea room.階段室より庭を望むSakura Sogo Law Office Large glass openings to bring in the greenery at the back of the house and the tea room.茶室外観オフィス内に茶室を設けて、職員にも心豊かに働いてほしいと考えたSakura Sogo Law Office Large glass openings to bring in the greenery at the back of the house and the tea room.茶室アプローチ建物全景 外観は耐久性に配慮してタイル貼とした夜景
Large glass openings to bring in the greenery at the back of the house and the tea room.

Plans for a new lawyer's office, built after a design competition, on new land purchased to expand the cramped office space.
The site is close to the Prefectural Museum of Art and in a lush green area facing a pond on the west side. The client's requirements were to ensure a comfortable office space for office workers, to soothe the hearts of visiting clients, and to provide a suitable place for the training of young people of the future. It was therefore decided to actively incorporate the surrounding environment.
The office is shaped like an L-shaped building, opening up a view towards the lush greenery of the Prefectural Museum of Art, while the tea room is independently positioned as if it were floating on a pond. The tea room is the crystallisation of the client's wish to send a message of 'courage' and 'hope' to visitors as a 'hermitage of hope'.

Sakura Sogo Law Office

Tsu City, Mie Prefecture
Morimoto Architects Associates
S construction (partly wooden), 2 storeys
Center Photo
28th Mie Prefecture Architecture Award, Governor's Prize