Houses built by furniture makers while they live in them.


  • 2016
  • House & Apartment
  • 93.77sqm
  • Nabari, Mie Prefecture
外観はシンプルな家形のデザイン玄関回りは板貼 バルコニーの手摺は施主の製作・施工による1階LDK 床は杉フローリング壁全面を覆う本棚は施主施工による1階LDK見返し階段室を望む1階から見上げ2階全景 天井・壁は合板仕上スチール手摺も施主による製作・施工のものI-HOUSE Houses built by furniture makers while they live in them.2階から見下ろしバルコニー夜景夜景
Houses built by furniture makers while they live in them.

Plan for a small house for a young newly married couple.
The site is located between the old Hatsuse Highway, which connects Nara and Ise, and the main road, in an area where old tile-roofed houses and warehouses are mixed together. Our answer to the question of what kind of architecture would be appropriate for this site was to create a skeletal structure that could withstand the time axis in the chaotic landscape, and to select and combine forms and materials from the surroundings that were appropriate for this project. The exterior of the building can be described as a warehouse or a house, and the materials used were galvanised and cedar boards, which are common in the surrounding area.
The client is a furniture maker and crane operator, so we were able to work with him on many aspects of the construction, from crane operation at the time of the building raising, to the construction of furniture such as the bookshelves in the atrium, to the painting of the walls and floors. It will be interesting to see how the client customises this space in the future.
Openings are rationally planned where necessary. The interior is a generous, unbuilt warehouse-like space covered with lauan veneer, with columns and beams exposed in a rugged manner, leaving room for the space to grow with the changing composition of the family.


Nabari, Mie Prefecture
Morimoto Architects Associates
Wooden, 2 storeys
Kano Photo