Courthouse around wooden deck.


  • 2015
  • 155sqm
  • 三重県名張市
ウッドデッキを囲んだコートハウス玄関から見る 真ん中に中庭を設け右にLDK、左に主寝室を設けたLDKから中庭を望むLDK見返し オープンキッチンで開放的な空間となっている渡り廊下渡り廊下から玄関を見下ろす 土間の玄関は十分な広さを確保した主寝室から中庭への開口はH750までと低くすることでプライバシーを確保オフィスから玄関を望む 敷地形状に合わせてスキップフロアとなっているMJ2-HOUSE Courthouse around wooden deck.夕景 玄関回りを望む玄関ホール夕景道路に面して飾り棚を設けているMJ2-HOUSE Courthouse around wooden deck.
Courthouse around wooden deck.

Planning of a house for a couple and their two children. The site is located in a suburban new town that has been developed for more than 40 years. The exterior of the house has a calm appearance by using materials commonly found in towns, such as a sloping roof, painted exterior walls and a washed-out exterior, so that it is in keeping with the townscape that has been formed so far.
The interior is a courthouse surrounded by a wooden deck in the centre of the building. The couple's living space is concentrated on the ground floor to accommodate their future living arrangements. The vaulted entrance hall and living/dining room are planned to be open and integrated with the wooden deck. The bedrooms, on the other hand, have low window heights to ensure privacy.
The layout plan makes the most of the rows of Chinese boxwood trees that line the road in front of the site. In order to avoid the roadside trees in the middle of the site, the parking space was divided into two spaces on either side.


Morimoto Architects Associates
Wooden, 2 storeys
Kano Photo