One large roof covering the whole building

Nabari Nursing School

  • 2015
  • Welfare & Medical Facilities
  • 1,356sqm
  • Nabari, Mie Prefecture
切妻の大屋根が建物全体を覆い、大屋根の家であることを表現している地域交流スペース ガラスブロックにより緩やかな光が降り注ぐアクセントとして壁にもカラーガラスブロックを取り付けた開口部ディテール
One large roof covering the whole building

Plan for a children's home with a capacity of 30 children in four units. The entire building is covered by one large roof to create the image of a 'big house' where children of different generations gather and live together. The building was designed to be a place where children can return to after leaving the care home, using durable materials and a simple design to ensure that the building will stand the test of time.
The social space where the children from each unit gather has a ceiling that matches the slope of the building and follows the image of the house inside. Three types of glass blocks are used on the walls here. Two types of glass block are used on the exterior walls to ensure privacy and to provide soft light from outside. In addition, 30 coloured glass blocks, the same number as the number of children living at the facility, were scattered around the house to add colour to the soft space, in the hope that each child's individuality would be nurtured.

Nabari Nursing School

Nabari, Mie Prefecture
Morimoto Architects Associates
Steel construction, 2 storeys
Kano Photo