Arrangement of volumes with heavy simple shapes.

Iwamori Chemicals and Chemicals Co.

  • 2014
  • Office & Factory
  • 450sqm
  • Nabari, Mie Prefecture
外観Iwamori Chemicals and Chemicals Co. Arrangement of volumes with heavy simple shapes.搬出入などの動線を検討した結果、建物の中央を車路が貫通することとしたIwamori Chemicals and Chemicals Co. Arrangement of volumes with heavy simple shapes.オフィスの窓からは山々の風景が見えるIwamori Chemicals and Chemicals Co. Arrangement of volumes with heavy simple shapes.夜景
Arrangement of volumes with heavy simple shapes.

A new office and warehouse project in the suburbs. The site faces the roadside, but after the opening of the by-bus, the old bustle of the area is disappearing and the buildings are lined up in a chaotic manner. We wanted to give order to the town by inserting a tight building outline to this surrounding environment. We therefore decided to give the building an outline with two volumes (office and warehouse) measuring approximately 5m x 7.5m, and to cover the space between them with a large roof for cargo handling. Two independent attached warehouses are located to the rear.
The project strongly emphasises the power of simple form and weight.

Iwamori Chemicals and Chemicals Co.

Nabari, Mie Prefecture
Morimoto Architects Associates
Steel construction, 2 storeys
Kano Photo