Smart offices along suburban arterial roads.


  • 2013
  • Office & Factory
  • 1,745sqm
  • Yokkaichi, Mie Prefecture
周囲の雑然とした建物に対してしっかりした骨格のオフィスビルとすることで差別化を図った外観夜景 角地のファサードを意識したデザインとしたアプローチ付近 ロードサイドからセットバックすることでゆとりを生み出すエントランスホール 受付カウンター階段室及び廊下会議室事務室内観手洗い
Smart offices along suburban arterial roads.

The new office of the Yokkaichi branch of Sekisui House, Ltd. stands along a main road where rival housebuilders are clustered. The office was required to be an office that employees could be proud of, and a building with a calm yet present presence that would enhance the company's brand image. As a proposal for the suburban roadside landscape, the plan was to contribute to the improvement of the surrounding environment by preparing the exterior to the road and opening it up to the public, and by planting roadside trees. The building was also designed to ensure the flexibility required of an office building to respond to the advanced information society, to reduce the building's heat load, and to have an eco-friendly façade with an excellent indoor thermal environment (high heat shielding and high heat insulation Low-e double glazing, heat reflecting glass, aluminium louvers installed to take the western sun into account, etc.). The building was planned to be an eco-friendly office building.


Yokkaichi, Mie Prefecture
Morimoto Architects Associates + Sekisui House, Yokkaichi Branch First-Class Architect Office
Steel construction, 2 storeys
33rd Mie Prefecture Architecture Award Hamaguchi Prize