Balconies to bring nature into the office

Takakita Corporation R&D building

  • 2017
  • 1,200sqm
  • Nabari, Mie Prefecture
Takakita Corporation R&D building Balconies to bring nature into the office正面外観Takakita Corporation R&D building Balconies to bring nature into the officeTakakita Corporation R&D building Balconies to bring nature into the office玄関エントランス内部農機具の実験場3階オフィス 横連窓により開放的な空間となっているTakakita Corporation R&D building Balconies to bring nature into the officeバルコニーからは桜並木が望める屋外階段Takakita Corporation R&D building Balconies to bring nature into the office夜景1夜景2夜景3夜景4夜景5
Balconies to bring nature into the office

The project for a research and development building on the north-east corner of Takakita Corporation's head office, consisting of a high-ceilinged agricultural machinery testing area on the first and second floors and offices on the third floor.
The road to the east is lined with cherry blossom trees, a famous sightseeing spot in Nabari City, and in order to bring in as much of this rich scenery as possible into the building, a large opening was made to the east on the third floor where the office space is located, and a balcony was installed to provide a place of relaxation for the workers.
The balcony is intended to be a symbolic façade for the local business to be recognised by the citizens and tourists who come to see the rows of cherry trees.

Takakita Corporation R&D building

Nabari, Mie Prefecture
Morimoto Architects Associates
Steel construction, 3 floors