Small houses with large roofs that respond to the shape of the forest.

Dwelling with Forest

  • 2019
  • House & Apartment
  • 108sqm
  • Iga, Mie Prefecture
方形屋根のかたちがそのまま空間に現れる内部空間The square roof shape appears as it is in the interior space.周辺は樹木が手前まで迫っており、自然から生活を守るシェルターとしての役割もある外部からLDKを望む玄関側から望む 外壁は杉板貼のシンプルなデザインとしたDwelling with Forest Small houses with large roofs that respond to the shape of the forest.Dwelling with Forest Small houses with large roofs that respond to the shape of the forest.LDK内部 天井の梁や垂木を表しとしているコーナー部分ロフトから階下を望む梁・垂木見上げ夕景1LDK夕景外観夕景1外観夕景2
Small houses with large roofs that respond to the shape of the forest.

A small one-storey dwelling for a retired couple in a location rich in nature.
The square building is positioned at a 45° angle from the road, in response to the shape of the forest surrounding the site. The angles create different distances from the forest on the east, west, south and west sides, each with its own unique garden and other spaces.
The square building is covered with a primitive, sturdy square roof, and the beams and rafters inside are "exposed". The house is designed to create the enjoyment of living under a large roof, while still allowing its presence to be felt. The main interior and exterior finishing materials, such as the boarded exterior walls, are made of cedar, and the spatial structure is simple and sturdy, creating a space that is in harmony with nature, befitting a forest dwelling.

Dwelling with Forest

Iga, Mie Prefecture
Morimoto Architects Associates
Wood Frame / 1F